Monday, October 3, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
and even further still..

so here is a lil bit further along,... just going in a putting 1 or 2 hours every now and again. so as you can see in the newer version (Left) I just went in and added more muscle detail, more facial features, and TOES!!! soon Imma build some armor and cover it all up! YAHOO! as far as the style of armor, I'm thinking something along the lines of Mass Effect, (space aged stuff) it's the face... makes me think of the characters from that game
Friday, September 16, 2011
a lil further along...
Thursday, September 15, 2011
quick sculpt...thing

heres a thing... only way I can describe him is as some sort of faun-like creature. so this is about an hour foolin around in Mudbox, just a'pushin and a'pullin and this is what I got. He's gots legs but I dont really like the way they are shaping up at the moment so I'm prolly gonna go back and work something out, widen his midsection back for starters, I was originally going for more of a district 9 alien body type. who knows I might take this guy to a semi decent level, maybe some armour, or perhaps a LOINCLOTH!!! mmmmmmmm loin
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
depraved WIP
water buffalo
Monday, August 22, 2011
God of War entry

so here is what I entered into's God of War Drawing Jam. came down to the wire on this one (thats what I get for procrastinating). could use a bit more refinement, but over all I'm pretty pleased with how it came out, although I must say it looks pretty desaturated on, stupid interweb always ruining my saturation. the flame needs a bit more work, really hard to draw believable flames
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Aliens falling from skies on cowboys

Ive been watching Falling Skies on TNT and I also saw Cowboys and Aliens this weekend as well.
Ive had aliens on the brain so I took a hour break to sketch this guy out real quick like in Mudbox. I just wanted to get the alien menace out of my skull, so in an effort to purge the images in my head I made my own version of some kind of gray, with a weird neck for some reason.
Friday, August 5, 2011
nautalis update
here is a lil update for my cghub challenge "bio organic vessel" probably wont be able to finish it seeing as I havnt yet added any bump, normal, etc... nor have I begun the rider... nor have I found a BG to render against per the requirements of the challenge and its due in TWO DAYS!!!. Oh welst... I can still sexxxy it up and keep it for my own. I've also been having some weird "UV"/stretching issues on the seat... the color I paint in Mud stretches and warps when moving from Mud to Maya and vice versa 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
depraved WIP
Friday, July 29, 2011
cghub challenge ideas

so this is my initial idea for cghubs monthly challenge 3d creature planets "bio organic vessel". I have'nt officially entered yet, and the deadline is 1 week from now but I liked the topic so I'm considering entering with this little number. It's a nautalis speed bike, complete with racer, let me know what you guys think. will post more updates later
Saturday, July 9, 2011
chamberlain turntable!!!
Here is the chamberlain all finished up (for the most part) probably gonna go in and tweak a few things here and there, but other than that... DONE!!! so a few insider secrets... the details on the "cloak" on his back... normal map, same with the cuff and spikes, everything else is high rez sculpt toppin out at 5,621,560 polys. No worries, my beast of a computer handled it pretty darn well. BINGO! BANGO! BONGO!
Friday, July 8, 2011
chamberlain update...AGAIN!!!

So here is the torn shirt! Maybe a lil bit of tweaking here and there, but is looking perty good so far, about what I imagined. All that is really left is the cloak over his back, which shouldn't take very long to finish. Once that is pau, gonna import them into the scene file with the completed chamberlain and render away!!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
chamberlain revisit/update

so I decided to go back into the chamberlain and finish him up. After a few long hours of continuing to fail at displacement implementation in Maya, I decided to "screw it" and just do it up fancy with Mudbox, so I begin with the color. It's funny, in my mind he is not that colorful, but in the film, he's got a pretty wide spectrum, I am also taking quite a bit of liberties anyway. So here is a render out of Mud with the default lighting, but with some tweaks in the material attributes, i.e. fresnel scattering, gloss, etc... so once I get the color to a good enough spot I'm gonna do a pose layer, export that lower rez posed mesh to maya and build the cloak, then send the cloak to muddy for texturing, as I said before I'm gonna try to do as much of the detailing on the cloak straight in Maya, just to keep things simple.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
quick Sculpt and a quick paint (WIP)

Well I finally got the new computer up and running. Got my software, backed-up files and all my fun stuff back in place. Work, for me at least, has slowed down and Im not so exhausted anymore when I get home, so I was able to start sculpting again.
Trying out the newest version of mudbox. Did a bunch of sculpts that will never see the light of day as I tried and tested the newest version. Not alot of new features that are amazing or anything, but the way it sculpts and how it handles files is greatly improved from what I can tell.
Here is the first sculpt I did in Mudbox in a long time. I spent a couple hours total on this guy. Quick sculpt and a quick paint. Still A WIP as I want to finish his painting and there are a few things to work on in the sculpt.
Friday, June 17, 2011
slight update...

so here is a little bit of an update, as ya'll can see I got the pants and shoes ready to go. Already started mudboxin some details, but no progress shot on that just yet, am still a bit worried about that, seeing as I had trouble getting the displacement out the last time. Granted, I could do all the shader work in mud now, what with the new materials options and all. ANYWHOOO... as can see they share the same suit, ergo, I'm gonna use one mesh for the sculpt, and just vary them slightly and save out the difference.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
some stuff I been working on...

well thats all for this night... until next time sports fans!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Final Aughra Speed Sculpt - Paint

Here's my 'final' version based on Aughra. It took five months of spare time here and there to finish, but oh well. People are busy and life got serious. I was able to finish the on and off paint in Muddy 2012 in an hour, really just touching up color. I didn't intend to make an exact replica, this is a speed sculpt - paint, so its based on Aughra, and for the time I spent, 'good enough. I tried the Gesso material in Mudbox at one point a while back and this sculpt truly looked like a porcelain figurine which I thought was kinda neat, but it was too bright. I think in the future I'd retop it and 'do the hair in ReLight. Geo hair looks funky, but it worked good for a speed sculpt. I was thinking of making a vehicle eventually since a few of the boys were working on them, I really hope that gets me back in the groove.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
In Soviet Russia, tank models YOU!
So it's been awhile, I've just been lazy posting new stuffs up but I've been doing some R&D at home (mostly rigging and workflow stuff). I'm pretty sure you guys noticed already that I'm a bit of a military weapons nerd, and I'm not sure why I haven't done this already, but I've decided to model a tank. I'm planning to fake a lot of detail using normal / displacement maps so I'm thinking of keeping the model somewhat medium weight. Though my biggest challenge is figuring out a good way to rig those tank threads - I figure it needs to be a sort of "rubber band" style setup but I have no idea at this point. Anyhoo, if anybody cares, this is a real tank, a Russian T54/55, some references here:
Monday, February 28, 2011

So this is what the chamberlain looks like with the displacement rendered out in mental ray. LOOK AT ALL THE ARTIFACTS MOMMY!!! Have no idea why it keeps comin out like that, I mean at least its recognizing the displacement map now, but still this looks like crap, not to mention the loss of detail. So close to giving up on the displacement and just rendering in muddy. For crying out loud, this is holding me back from modeling the robe.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Aughra update

Monday, February 21, 2011
Aughra progress

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Chamberlain WIP update

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bug Eyes Sculpt #011

Wasnt feeling so great last night so I put about an hour into this guy. Made from a cube base mesh I made in maya. Same one I used for the last sculpt. Anyway in the end kind of looked like a Tharkk from John Carter of Mars, just without the tusks.
I dont think im going to post here anymore. Probably just post on my blog. I post on both blogs and it is kind of a waste of my time. I dont need two blogs. So from now on Im just posting on If you want to see what Im up to you can go there.
Mahalo nui loa,
cube Head Sculpt #010

A quick sculpt from monday night I did from a cube base mesh. I lost detail when I had to go back to maya, make his UVs and take him bak into mudbox for detail transfer. It doesnt work quite right. I got a few strange deformations that I easily smoothed out but in the process I lost alot of detail. Lesson is, alwys do UVs on base mesh before you start to sculpt. Or do it befre getting into the detail higher levels.
Monday, February 14, 2011
depraved update

Well heres an update to the depraved character Im working on as well. I cut the legs off, and I need to do some concept work to figure out what I want to do with the legs. I did do a rebuild of him but I really hated the look of the legs. So for now he is cut right in half until I figure it out. This is going to be a slow project that I work on over the next several weeks.
Im also designing an all new weapon that will still have the captured soul elements to it.
The Goon #009

Im a huge fan Of the Goon by Eric Powell. His stories and his art go hand in hand. If you havnt read them, go do it right now. Im waiting. Have you read them yet? you wont be sorry. Or maybe you will be!
So last night I put an hour into this guy. All one piece of geo, while im glad I was able to pull it off, Im not sure I would do it again. Probably better to do it with the hat separate.
Im happy with the profile and thats probably it. It has a Goon feel to it, but I think the translation from 2D to 3D needs a little more nudging. I will be doing this again at some point and really make it look cool. For now, add it to the 1000 other things I have that are half finished.
Thin Alien head sculpt #008

Here is a quick sculpt I started while showing Makaha Billy a few things about sculpting in mudbox. I spent about 10 minutes on it just to figure out shapes. I had no intention of keeping it, but I liked the direction it was going so I put another hour into it.
Finding time to sculpt has gotten increasingly diffiult lately. Between watching baby and everything else I need to do that are just general life stuff, I think the only sculpting time im going to get is after 9 at night but its not to bad I can listen to Coast to Coast am while I sculpt. Keeps me inspired, and it's fun to listen to.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Chamberlain WIP

so here is my first WIP of the chamberlain. I'm thinkin at this point I might have to retopo cuz I'm gettin some areas that wont sculpt proper, like the hands, and because this guy is gonna need quite a bit of rez. Anyways... gonna do the disgraced version, his torn robes are gonna be seperate geo once I finsh his body and pose him.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Garthim head sculpt #007

The body will be truer to the original desin. This was a cool idea for a project. Thanks Cole and Brian for coming up with this.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
100 sculpts
No I have not given up on the 100 sculpts. I have not forgoten either.
I had some major symetry issues in the hands of the depraved charater and Ive been working on a way to solve it. I think what I will have to do is retopologize the character and almost completely restart the sculpt. I have spent nights going back and forth between, Mudbox, Zbrush, Maya and Topogun and nothing seems to work right when I transfer details to the adjusted mesh. So it isnt any wasted time because Ive have learned a hell of alot that last few nights. Unfortunately the solution may be to fix the symetry on a low level version of the model and begin the sculpting process anew. Hopefully I can get through that tonight.
I had some major symetry issues in the hands of the depraved charater and Ive been working on a way to solve it. I think what I will have to do is retopologize the character and almost completely restart the sculpt. I have spent nights going back and forth between, Mudbox, Zbrush, Maya and Topogun and nothing seems to work right when I transfer details to the adjusted mesh. So it isnt any wasted time because Ive have learned a hell of alot that last few nights. Unfortunately the solution may be to fix the symetry on a low level version of the model and begin the sculpting process anew. Hopefully I can get through that tonight.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
february sculpt challenge
So here is a brilliant idea.... fan art sculpt of a character from Jim Henson's "the Dark Crystal". I call the chamberlin, and Brian calls Aughra and Kahi has the garthim. The mystics, landstriders, gelflings are still up for grabs. so I imagine the challenge will begin ASAP 2/9/2011 and go till 3/13/2011 thats a sunday, so you can show final on monday 3/14
Scythe #006 WIP Depraved WIP
experimented last night with my newly created vector displacement maps.
I did a test on the scythe which taught me alot. I need to push the forms of the faces a little bit more before I make them into vector maps. The scythe model is a stand in did in maya. I modeled it quickly and ugly, and I would like to remodel it with better edge flow. But this is the Idea im going for. I also realized I need to make more of a variety of faces.
For the depraved, here is the progress, Im not liking the feel of the feet. I need to figure out what I want to do with htose and Im still having mirroring problems witht he hands. Im thinking a complete resculpt may be the ticket.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
old, well... semi old quicky

piff, piff, you young skaliwags! May I present to you one Mr R.J. Nicklesworth Tacklebottoms. Behold! A most glorious example of sculpting vision! If I do say so my self, Oh ho ho, and I do.
Yah sooooo.... I did this a couple of weeks ago and then my computer went KAPUT!!! so I'm posting it now, gonna take it a bit further; moustache, a comb over, jacket, and maybe a pipe.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Faces of reaped souls #005

Well, Friday night I was so exhausted from a long week I crashed fairly early and never even turned my home computers on. Sometimes a body just needs the rest.
Saturday after some beach time with the family I spent the day getting Mudwalker, a plugin for mudbox that allows it to send and recieve models quickly to other programs like Zbrush, headus topogun, maya etc. I had some symetry issues with the depraved sculpts hands. Ive decided that I would like to take that sculpt to full final, with pose, color, the works. So I was using mudwalker to help me use the smartresym option in zbrush. After many hours of testing I think I have a solution to my problem. unfortunately by the time I figure it out I really didnt have time to sculpt.
So on to the faces here. The depraved is going to have a weapon. A massive scythe which I did some quick concept work on and I will post it tommorrow.(I forgot to scan it from my sketch book). This scythe will have the souls of the reaped embedded in the blade, so instead of sculpting them I decided to make a few faces on planes that I can turn into vectors and just stamp them on in the end and touch up the detail.
Anyway I think I need to adjust either the 1st or 2nd one to make it look like a different individual rather than just a different expression. Whats fun about these it that they are quick and easy, and after doing a few I've really started to get a better understanding of sculpting a face out of plane and getting the shapes pulled out correctly.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Depraved sculpt 004 WIP

I wanted to get away from just a bust so worked on this guy for about an hour and a half last night. I didnt get as far along as I liked but do like the direction its going.
I will most likely work on him some more over the weekend. I need to figure out what i want to do with the feet and I really need to get into the hips and legs and figure out the forms a little better. The fingers need major TLC after trying to elongate them.
I really need to figure out what the best way is to distort the proportions in mudbox. Probably the joint tools, but they were giving me hell last night.
Well this is what depraved creature that popped up in the festering lump of rot that is my brain. Man I need to sculpt a happy unicorn with some rainbows or something.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
sculpt 003 Alien head

Concept sculpting is alot of fun. Finding out what kind of crap is floating around the cess-pool I call my brain is also quite fun.
I dont think he is evil at all. Just very ugly.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
"The Neck" sculpt #002

Well sculpt number two was a pain in the butt. I made a quick base out of zspheres in Zbrush and imported the mesh to mudbox to sculpt. WOW, Mudbox really hates zbrush base meshes. I guess its because of the funky topology and the strange areas that intersect on the mesh.
Sculpt control was out the widow, and it was struggle to get the forms to do what I wanted them to. So lesson learned. If I build a zsphere base I need to retopo it before I take it into Mudbox. Or instead of being a lazy bum, just make the base in maya. Anyway I spent about 2 hours on this and most of that was in frustration.
Old One Eye

I was looking at some Joe MAd art and decided to do something more stylized than I normally do. So I sculpted Old One Eye here. Took me about 2 hours in mudbox. I got tired and decided to call it a night right around the time I started to work the hair. Had a ton of fun doing this though. And he's totally like 37.5% less evil than the stuff I usually do. I guess Mark and his goodie-two-shoes ways may be rubbing off on me....or maybe not.
So I decided that this is sculpt #1 of 100 sculpts in 100 days. Wanna see what I can get done by around mid may. Lets see how many I can actually get done in that time. Should be quite a fun challenge for myself. Get my mudbox skills rocking, and and a nice portfolio of work. Maybe even inspire a couple fools along the way.
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